Friday, October 17, 2008

Surfin Bird greater than or equal to this?

I really really wish I could take credit for being clever and creative enough to come up with such distinct and precise google search terms to have found the following video clip. A clip that some how made me almost choke on and yet want to projectile vomit my pumpkin curry all over my cat...simultaneously. ouch eee wah wah. (Yeah..I don't get it either...just go with get the idea.) Basically, I was watching weird videos of people dancing to "Surfin Bird" (business as usual for the past few weeks) and low and behold, I came upon this lil' gem..... "The Crazy German Dance"

Sometimes, it just amazes me how with just one click, the world wide web will open your eyes to stuff one probably does not need to see. No but don't have to watch the whole thing...but just watch a few secs and you get the idea...the title says enough. No but seriously, what is more odd to me, besides how "Surfin Bird" led me here, is who the hell is filming this shite and who told "Nana" to do the whole crotch grab? really? really? alright...go with what cha know... All I know, was I received a little gift from above when I just happened to stumble upon this video without having to do much work at all. How bout them apples?

Happy Oktoberfest...i think?

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