I actually do own my very own 20 Question Ball (a red one). I remember the day I bought it. It blew my mind. I knew after the first time I saw a commercial for the "20Q" (which I thought had to be a total scam) that I had to have one. I had to see if it really could guess. I was soooooooo skeptical (typical)...anyways...went to target. bought the ball. bought the AA batts. opened the package in the car. luckily my sister was driving so I could commence playing with the 20Q immediately.
So now I had to decide what word I was going to "think of" to try to make the ball "guess." I did not want to pick person, place, thing or mineral...so I went with the obvious next choice...an OTTER! I was hesitant at first. I was like "no way. its never gonna get otter. that's too hard." But then I started "playing" (aka pressing either yes, no or sometimes to the random questions it asks like "does it weigh more than a pound of butter?- which does not make sense. why doesn't it just say, "does it way more than a pound?" why butter? why not yogurt? or velveeta?")
So back to the otter question game....I keep thinkin -there is no way its gonna get it because the questions seem so broad and general that they could lead to anything...but guess what....after twamp questions...what does the lil red fire ball guess...OTTER!!
Hey yooooooooooooooo! Blew my freakin mind....After that it was like game on...I didn't put that bad boy down for weeks. I was always amazed at some of the things it would guess correctly. Sometimes though it would give you answers that were a little bit off but I could sorta see how they came up with that results, sorta. IBelow are some of my favs that I can remember:
I was thinking GERMANY and it guessed MAP...nice, right?
I was thinking BEER and it said VODKA...okay...kinda...
I was thinking of WIENER and it guessed URETHRA (pretty good..not bad). Best part was, that these were a few of its 20 Questions: "Does it bring people joy?" --Sometimes..."Is it hard?"-- sometimes..."does it get wet?"---Sometimes....i was dying
My all time favorite: I was thinking CHILI and it guessed DIAPER.....ew. gnarly...
If you are lucky enough to have spent anytime with me, you would know that I love pizza, that I basically have the sense of humor of a perverted 13 year old boy and that I love my 20 Q . So ......with that said, after finding the following "chat" (click it to read) you would have thought that I found my long lost BFFs!
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