You either love em or hate em! I can't decide how I truly feel about them. Part of me feels really bad for the animal and part of me finds it pretty damn funny. What I find more sad and somewhat who the hell are these people who put all this time and money into these costumes for their damn pets? I mean....its not like they are going trick or treating..or like they are gonna get any candy out of wearing these things. I barely had time or money or energy to think of my own costume let alone one for my pet. Although, I will admit. If I found an otter costume, I would have dropped fifty bones EASILY to see my baby Devo dressed up!
She basically is one already! See:
(now imagine her with a little shell her in her damn cute!)
Anyhoo...on with the weird pet costumes................

(rice krispie treat....did i use this last year?)

(I know this is not an animal costume...but its a baby as a turkey...which is an animal but this is a cooked animal...this is just freakin odd...gobble gobble mo-fo)
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