Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Ordering Pizza on Halloween? Beware!

Although Pizza and Halloween are two of my favorite things, tonight might not be the best night to order some. But if pizza is on your Halloween party menu, beware:

Halloween is the third busiest pizza day of the year. I just learned about this a few years ago and always thought it was weird (maybe because my family never ordered pizza on Halloween) but I guess it does make sense.... So place your order early and be prepared to wait.

Just in case you are wondering, here are the top 5 busiest pizza days of the year:

1. Super Bowl Sunday (logical)

2. New Year's Eve (Not a bad idea)

3. Halloween (way down)

4. The night before Thanksgiving (for reals? yowza!)

5. New Year's Day (good way to start your new year's diet i guess..I mean...who really starts on Jan 1 anyways?)

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