Friday, January 16, 2009

Lord knows I have.....

Do you ever do something, and then think to yourself: That's So Raven?
-Zack Galifinackis

In all seriousness- I secretly do kinda like her show. I's not like I watch it religiously every week- or like I DVR it or anything (there really is no need because its on so often otherwise I would toy with the idea of recording it). I haven't had a chance to watch the show in a while but when I was living in the mission with my sister, I definitely caught a few too many Saturday mornings on the couch or in my bed, with Devo in my lap, watching That's So Raven on Disney-legitimately laughing pretty hard and all joking aside....enjoying myself. I mean...the chickie babe's got psychic powers and the show can be pretty damn funny. I guess it's sorta reminds me of Out of this World from back in the day- except for the fact that Evie Ethel Garland was way hotter than Raven....obviously!
I'm just being honest here...knock it if you want. But believe you me...if you give it a chance and actually sit down and watch a full episode--you will find yourself laughing at some point...I mean..yes...Her parents are annoying- and so is her red headed friend, Chelsea (although she is pretty hot now that she lost some weight--which I think she just passed onto Raven and the rest of the cast who have all gotten progressively heavier with each season...have you seen her little brother lately? Probably not because most of you who read this aren't prepubescent girls who watch the Disney channel on Saturday mornings at 9 am...but trust me...he is a big boy now!---scratch that...bigger boy!) Anyhoo....I am just sayin, I am just putting all my cards on the table and saying it loudly and proudly- I LIKE THAT'S SO RAVEN! (oh and Suite Life with Zack and Cody which usually comes on right after is pretty good too...what???)