Friday, November 21, 2008

thank god for my lil' notebook

So, I have been meaning to research this for a while and for some reason just remembered to today. A few weeks back, I was sitting at a random sports bar in Alameda, drinking some beers- watching some college football and I just happened to glance away from the TV I was watching and from the corner of my eye , I saw somethin rather odd on one of the other TVs. It was some other sports channel and 'I was like WTF is that?' Its like a combo of hacky sack (hippies) and volleyball... at the same time and then...WHOA MAMA...they started doin flips and shit (no joke)...and before I could see what the hell it was...someone changed the channel...or my game came back on..I can't remember...regardless..not the point...anyways...I made a little note in my little notepad that I now carry around everywhere with me, in which I jot down random stuff like grocery lists, song titles, Halloween costume ideas, funny things I see or stuff like this:

Anyhoo, I was just goin through my little book and found this note again and deciding to finally do what I told myself to do! And after a little bit of googlin' I have now come to find out this "sport" was not a hoax or a joke. This thing is real and its called SepakTakraw or just Takraw. I guess we here in the USA even have team. Its pretty rad but really weird....ladies and Gentleman....TAKRAW...keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How do they not break their necks? Jot this down: research greatest Takraw injuries