This is a pretty big deal for someone like me. We are talking about a girl who at age 3 responded to the question, "Why do you like beer so much?" with "Because it makes me Happy!" joke. Some things never change. I digress...
So now that I have reconfimed once again how truly awesome I am..... (oh did I mention I have not had one piece of Halloween candy either...oh I didn't? oppsy poopsy...) by reaching this goal, I feel like I need to set a new goal...So here it is folks and I think it is perfect for me:
Here's how it works: Visit Google. Submit a query of two words (4 and 30 characters in length), but don't use quote marks. Use no punctuation in your words, and no numbers (just 26 letters from A through Z). Find two words that return one result, then see whether Whack agrees.
Most of you know that my google searching skills, particularly my google image searching skills are pretty much out of control. So this should be a fairly easy challenge but we shall see. I am not gonna set a deadline or anything. But I will keep everyone updated on my efforts. Wish me luck..Google Google!
(ps: i plan on gettin drinkin rather heavily tonight....don't worry- the Machine is back!)
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