Friday, October 26, 2007

Trick or Treat? um, never mind. No thank you!

Did you ever go up to a house while Trick or Treating and you look at their candy bowl and they only had super gross candy. Like the kind of candy that only old people or your dad would like. Or they have stuff like raisins aka "natures candy" or those little spider rings that never fit my fat fingers.... And its like, you don't want any of them but you cant NOT take one so you just pick whatever is the least gross. I have even pretended to take a candy without actually removing anything from their bowl of lameness. It's like, honestly, why bother if you are just gonna give out nasty ass candy. Waste of my time walking all the way up to your doorstep for NOTHING. For me, the worst were Mounds, Almond joys, Smarties (cheap ass people buy these in those mix bags with other hard candies) Mike and Ikes and Good n Plentys.

(This site lists tons The Worst Halloween Candy. We have a lot of similar items in common.)

1 comment:

sweet said...

you pretty much listed all my favorites as your hates. we should have joined forces.