Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Have that cocktail after work today....its OKAY

It's really no secret that me and my roommates are big Oprah fans. We tivo it and watch it together over dinner.....pretty cheesy but pretty awesome at the same time... a little "treat" at the end of the day, you know? (Basically its also a good way to kill time while we wait for shows like the Bachelor and Biggest Loser to come on.) Hands down though, the best episodes are when Dr. Oz is on.....I like the guy....he has a bunch of good medical type information and describes it in a way that makes it understandable for most people. Although, the man does wear socks with sandals but I won't even go there! So here is a great Q and A session with the guy:
I like what he has to say about blueberries (which I eat daily) and alcohol which I try not to consume daily. But I am not as big of a fan of what the man has to say about pizza. All pizza- even bad pizza- is good pizza. End of story.

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