A man walked into a Pittsburgh convenience grocery store this week with a
$1 million bill and asked for change. Problem is, the biggest bill in circulation is a $100. After the cashier pointed out that the bill was obviously fake and refused to return it to him, the man became very angry. He was nabbed by police but refuses to give his name. The bill in question supposedly featured a portrait of Grover Cleveland but I guess there are some with Regan on it.

Can you imagine walking up to the counter and trying to keep a straight face holding a freakin 1 million dollar bill? If I was the cashier I would be like "Really!?! Really, dude? You serious?"
I remember getting Santa money when I was a kid....I wonder if they would have accepted the fake money if it had Kris Kringle on it. I know I would have! (2 months and 15 days to Xmas)

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