Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Once again....Bacon makes something great...even better!

Yes, my friends...that is Bacon Flavored Pancakes. I am not a huge pancake fan but when I do eat them- I love to drench them and pretty much everything else on my plate (ex: bacon, eggs, sausage....) with a massive amount of syrup. (weird....Courtney using an excessive amount of a condiment on her food??? no..that can't be!) I can't wait to try these bad boys....who is down for some flap jacks? Eat my shorts IHOP. You ain't got nuttin on these.

Oh yeah...haha...this dude even has 5 different flavors of BACON JERKY including Jalapeno and some Tomato/ BLT flavor! Wah wah wee wah. Check out the description from the website....try not to wet yourself:

"The best part about Bacon Jerky in comparison to regular bacon is that when you cook bacon, the aroma floats through the air calling out to those around you to come and get it which means that you have to share. With Bacon Jerky it’s ready to eat the second you want it! "

Um....if that is not a little piece of heaven then I don't know what is. check out this rad blog that is responsible for all this porky product goodness: Bacon is Meat Candy

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A little insight on my take on Valentines Day

me: what are you doin for your girlfriend for V-day?

unnamed: well she told me to do nothing. she said it was a silly ass holiday.....

me: hahahah right :) dont we all!

unnamed: you do? ahh fuk

me: yup! i think its a retarded holiday BUT.............................. so is easter !

unnamed: riiiiiiight

me: but i still want a damn cadbury egg!

unnamed: hahahahahah

The decision has been made.....

My first purchase with the money I get from my first unemployment check shall be:

I might even opt to "go LARGE".....we will just have to wait and see how angry I am that day!

Pretty Spot on Trader Joe's Commercial

except he forgot to mention the dope prosecco

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Headline on CNN:

"Healthy kidney removed through donor's vagina "

Ouch eeee wah wah!

no thanks!

Is this going to be forever?

Stoned Little Kid After Dentist Visit - Watch more Free Videos
I really wonder what sorta procedure this kid had that required the dentist to use so much drugs that he got so f'd up. I love hearing peoples stories of how weird they got after they had their wisdom teeth taken out. After I woke up from getting my wisdom teeth out- i was ALL weird when they woke me up. When they tried to assist me with walking and help me lay down afterwards- I swear I almost decked out one of the nurses. ..i was like DON'T TOUCH ME...i am FINE. Meanwhile- my friend told me he woke up and said he got up and like hugged the entire nursing staff and doctor. Another buddy said he asked his mom if she wanted him to drive, because he was not used to being wasted in front of his parents. When they were putting my sister under for her wisdom teeth she told the nurses "I am just gonna close my eyes- but you guys can keep talking. I am totally still listening. I am just shutting my eyes." They were probably like...sure honey....Totally like shit you say at a sleep over when you are totally falling asleep !! Oh man- but the funny thing that we were all probably like 19 years old at the time that we dealt with all that. This poor kid is like what..7 years old?? Ha Ha Ha....oh man. Party On!